All Episodes

Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 106 in total

4-01 Church vs. Business

Season 4 premiere! Here, the PJ's discuss what the church ought to be focused on and how a "business mentality" has infested many churches.

3-15 Discipleship

This episode, the Season 3 Finale, covers the ultimate goal of the Great Commission that Jesus left us with: Discipleship!

3-14 Doctrine

The PJ's take a deeper look at the different dimensions we can experience when reading text. Here, the focus is on Doctrine.

3-13 Godly Thinking

The PJ's continue discussing the Four Thought Processes, this time focusing on Godly Thinking.

3-12 Reward

Do you know the difference between salvation and reward? What has your church taught you about reward? The PJ's discuss.

3-11 Profitability

The PJ's discuss profitability and its importance to a person's walk with God. How do you measure your journey?

3-10 Human Thinking

The PJ's continue discussing the Four Thought Processes, this time focusing on Human Thinking.

3-09 Gnostics

How has Gnosticism affected the church? Listen here to find out!!

3-08 Animal Thinking

The PJ's continue discussing the Four Thought Processes, this time diving deep in Animal Thinking.

3-07 Mystery vs. Puzzle

The PJ's discuss how the church has been impacted by these the concepts of Mysteries and Puzzles!

3-06 Destructive Thinking

The PJ's start breaking down the Four Thought Processes by discussing Destructive Thinking.

3-05 Fellowship vs. Relationship

What is God's standard for intimacy? Have you been taught the difference between Fellowship and Relationship? The PJ's discuss.

3-04 Laborers

Have you heard of what a "Laborer" is? Did you know, Jesus told us to pray for Laborers? The PJ's discuss this role and how the church seems to be missing one of the g...

3-03 Evangelism

When you heard the Gospel for the first time, what was that experience like? The PJ's discuss Evangelism, what it means, and what its purpose really is!

3-02 Witnessing

Do you know how to be a Witness for Christ? Have you struggled with what the church teaches about how to share your faith? The PJ's discuss.

3-01 Sanctification

Welcome to Season 3!! This first episode answers the question, "What do I do AFTER salvation?"

2-15 Once Saved, Always Saved

In this Season 2 Finale, the PJ's discuss the topic of "Once Saved, Always Saved." What do YOU believe about "losing" your salvation? What has the church taught you ab...

2-14 Salvation

How do you know if you're really saved?? Does the church get this right??

2-13 Grace

A foundational principle, a necessity for salvation... what's YOUR definition of grace? How can you intentionally grow in grace??

2-12 Sin

What have you been taught about sin?? The PJ's discuss the Doctrine of Sin.

2-11 Faith

A foundational Christian principle, a necessity for salvation... what's YOUR definition of faith? How can you intentionally grow your faith??

2-10 Forgiveness

What does forgiveness mean? How can I intentionally "let go" of things to God??

2-09 Repentance

Does the church have a handle on this fundamental principle of Christianity?? The PJ's discuss.

2-08 Apologies vs. Confession

Do you know the difference between an Apology and a Confession?? Is this yet another area where man has replaced the Word of God with man-made tradition??

2-07 Depression

What causes depression? Is there a cure?? The PJ's discuss this very important mental health issue.

2-06 God's Nature: The Non-Contradictory Answer - God's Nature Series (6 of 6)

The PJ's finally give the answer, the Non-Contradictory answer, to God's Nature!! Have you determined what YOU believe about who God is?

2-05 God's Existence - God's Nature Series (5 of 6)

What does God's Existence have to do with God's Nature? Find out in this episode!

2-04 The Names of God - God's Nature Series (4 of 6)

Do God's Names determine who He is? What do God's Names teach us about God? The PJ's discuss.

2-03 Sovereignty - God's Nature Series (3 of 6)

The God's Nature Series continues... I wonder what Pastor Tator will have to say about this topic! Is God in "complete control of everything"?? The PJ's discuss.

2-02 The Three Omnis - God's Nature Series (2 of 6)

Have you been taught the "Three Omnis" in church? Do you know where this doctrine originated?? Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Joel discuss this topic.

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