5-10 Jehovah's Story
We have a compilation of 66 books written by as many as 35 different authors. We call this the Bible! The Bible is filled with stories and yet the Bible also covers one underlying story: Jehovah’s Story. The PJs discuss the beginning, middle, and end of Jehovah's Story including the ultimate goal that Jehovah is working towards.
This episode is covering the topic of "Jehovah's Story"! We hope you enjoy, we're here for you!
Podcast Email: whattheflock.molc@gmail.com
Pastor Jonathan email: jonathanmfries@gmail.com
MOLC Appleton Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/molcappleton
MOLC Appleton Website: https://molcappleton.com/
Podcast Email: whattheflock.molc@gmail.com
Pastor Jonathan email: jonathanmfries@gmail.com
MOLC Appleton Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/molcappleton
MOLC Appleton Website: https://molcappleton.com/