2-01 God is Love - God's Nature Series (1 of 6)
Season 2 finally begins! We start this new season with a mini-series on God's Nature! This episode covers the famous phrase: "God is Love"... let's see what the PJ's have to say about this!!
This episode is covering the topic of "God is Love"! We hope you enjoy, we're here for you!
Podcast Email: whattheflock.molc@gmail.com
Pastor Jonathan email: jonathanmfries@gmail.com
MOLC Appleton Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/molcappleton
MOLC Appleton Website: https://molcappleton.com/
Podcast Email: whattheflock.molc@gmail.com
Pastor Jonathan email: jonathanmfries@gmail.com
MOLC Appleton Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/molcappleton
MOLC Appleton Website: https://molcappleton.com/