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First Episodes
Introducing "What the Flock?"
Welcome to "What the Flock?" Thanks for listening. Remember, you're not alone, we're here for you!Podcast Email: whattheflock.molc@gmail.comPastor Jonathan email: jona...

1-01 Drinking
Is drinking alcohol wrong? Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Joel take some time to discuss this topic from a perspective you may have never heard!

1-02 Voting
Voting has been a polarizing topic in and out of the church. The PJs take some time to discuss this topic as it relates to the church.

1-03 Tattoos
Have you been marginalized because of tattoos? The PJs bring a new perspective to this topic.

1-04 Smoking
Smoking!?! Pastor Jonathan and Pastor Joel continue to uncover some areas of damage in the church. What are your thoughts about smoking?